
Prayer is a vital part of our discipleship and the church life. We have a prayer book for prayer requests that are read out on Sundays and at our midweek prayer group. We hold a weekly prayer meeting on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am to pray about family and world events. We also meet to pray before our services in the Prayer Room and all are welcome to join.

The Prayer room is open whenever The Hub is open and by arrangement outside of these times. We hope that all will feel able to use it and be richly blessed.

Special times of prayer will be announced and we encourage everyone to come along.

As a church we encourage all to pray individually for world events church life and personal situations and for others. We have a prayer chain for emergency prayer request that gets passed on by phone and email through the leaders. Please contact Brian Freeman or complete the form using the tab on the left for any urgent prayer requests.

We offer prayer ministry to all after or before services.

We want to develop people willing to pray with others – both from inside and outside the church, being sensitive to the Spirit and channels for healing and wholeness.